Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Aristocrats

So, i have watched some of the funniest shit ever. My good freind and sir Lee, showed me this movie on this semi inside (i guess not anymore) joke between comics called the Aristocrat, Sophisticat, or Debonaire joke. Apperently, it is when u create this out of this world story, usually involving, family members, small children, grandparents, bodily functions, beastiality, racism, sexism, and whatever other crazy shit you can think of. It basically can go "so, this family walks into a casting studio and then asks to show the studio their act. the family then proceeds to fuck each other in each others bodily fluids and then it ends with the casting studio asking "so what do you call this actt?" to which the family responds "the aristocrats." The video had bob saget, lisa lampoonelli, and other famous comidians comming up with there own version of the joke. Sarah Silverman had rape, and bob saget had a little segment about a kids eye socket. I think the best thing i heard from the video that wasnt, coincidently, an aristocrat joke, was the joke of when a rabbi with a frog walks into a bar and the bartender asks"where did you get that?" to which the frog replies "there are thousands of them walking around in brooklyn." Absolutely wonderful.

PS. Saw the funny segment of Eli Roth responding to "blueberry posts." Funny shit. The pic of him in the pool isnt that bad. Look it up. He made blueberrys really hot for me now.

PPS. Caitlyn, i love you. You always know how to make my day my favorite white ghetto girl. And i would still love you even if you decied to get a weave. I saw a key chain today and it said"Im awesome, whats your excuse" and i thought of you......and the bear jew.

Even More shit: They were doing these things where you could submit questions to the bear jew and i was tempted to ask" so, where do you keep the spare key to your house","are you kosher?", and "whos your best freind?" and "a perfect date?" then to"did your father use any of his shrink techniques on you or did that influence you at all?". To which i thought, "yeah, i cant say that shit." but i had to tell you what i would say, even though people are asking him "would you think about having sex with a dude to see what its like?". Im joking of course, but on the other hand, wouldnt some of my questions have like interesting answers?




FYI. the cheshire cat reminds me of lee and his smile. Also his personality in general. Oh, the people i befreind.

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