So, i heard eli roth is in rome. Yes, this is a plus, but i really miss Rome now. Just i miss the art, the food, just the feel of the city and not this little piece of civilization in the woods that i have reduced myself to. Just, as all of you know, i need to move here and there. I have been to China, Japan, Italy, Austria, England, France, Switzerland, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Africa, Mexico, Australia, and alittle bit of the Caymans. I am having issues with the fact i am not traveling much. I want to.....i miss it. Im going ape shit! Especially Venice. I feel like my purpose is just to move. Thats the real reason why i want a good high paying job. So i can just leave for a couple months and be somewhere else.
Ok, I went to a physcic on Sunday and she said in a couple years, i will feel the need to move somewhere else and to go. She also said that i will be rich and healthy. But, a good freind of mine will worry me and because of this, i will get stressed and let all this bad karma in. Great right? Im already a bit stressed as it is.
PS. I am signing up for a new photobucket account. You know those catcher things where you need to type the weird shaped words? Well, i had to type in "something Heinous" into it and i realized it described me perfectly.
Dude, I'll travel with you. Hey! When's your spring break? We can go to Pittburgh, granted it's not far or exotic, but it's somewhere and it's kickass.